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Feiliks Won “2024 Best Practice Award for Digital Innovation in Public Company Boards”

On December 7 to 8, 2024, the “China Track and ESG Sustainability Summit”, organized by VALUEONLINE and Asian Business University Hall, and supported by the Shenzhen Investment Fund Guild, was successfully held in the Guangming District of Shenzhen. The event attracted numerous industrial experts, more than 500 enterprises and institutions’ board secretaries and senior executives.

Ms. Zhang Yu, Vice President and Board Secretary of Feilks, was invited to attend the conference and was awarded the prestigious “2024 Best Practice Award for Digital Innovation in Public Company Boards”.

This award is not only a tribute to Feiliks but also acknowledges the company’s endeavors in digitally innovating its board office, serving as an encouragement for Feiliks to continue its journey of exploration and implementation in the realm of digital transformation.

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